IPL Photo Rejuvenation

IPL Photo Rejuvenation


Intense Pulsed Light Treatments

Create clearer, healthier and younger looking skin with IPL Photo Rejuvenation. The process of IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) uses a range of specific light wavelengths to target a wide range of common skin concerns including broken capillaries, pigmentation, acne, age spots and sun-damage.  


During the procedure, IPL systems release precisely controlled strong pulses of filtered light that stimulate the fibroblast cells within the skin that produce collagen and elastin. This improves the tightness and texture of the skin while controlling large pores and promoting a smoother and more toned complexion.  


Price of the treatments vary depending on individual circumstances so we recommend coming into speak to our experts about your requirements.

What does the treatment cost?

IPL Photo Rejuvenation Costs Vary Per A Client

Our therapists will accurately assess the skin prior to any IPL session to determine if the area will be suitable and responsive to the treatment.


IPL Photo Rejuvenation - Before & After

IPL Skin Rejuvenation FAQ's

+ - What is IPL skin rejuvenation?

IPL skin rejuvenation, or Intense Pulsed Light skin rejuvenation, is a non-invasive cosmetic treatment that uses light energy to address various skin concerns such as sun damage, age spots, freckles, rosacea, and uneven skin tone. It stimulates collagen production and promotes a more youthful and revitalized complexion.

+ - How does IPL skin rejuvenation work?

During an IPL treatment, a handheld device emits a broad spectrum of light pulses onto the skin. The light energy targets specific pigments in the skin, breaking them down and stimulating the body's natural healing process. This process helps to reduce the appearance of imperfections, improve skin texture, and promote a more even skin tone.

+ - Is IPL skin rejuvenation suitable for all skin types?

IPL skin rejuvenation can be effective for various skin types, including fair to medium skin tones. However, it may not be suitable for individuals with very dark skin or those who are currently tanned. It is best to consult with a qualified professional who can assess your skin and determine if IPL treatment is appropriate for you.

+ - Are IPL treatments painful?

IPL treatments are generally well-tolerated and relatively comfortable. Most individuals experience a warm sensation or a mild snapping feeling during the treatment, often described as a rubber band lightly flicking the skin. However, individual sensitivity levels may vary, and some areas of the body may be more sensitive than others. A cooling gel or topical numbing cream can be applied before the treatment to enhance comfort.

+ - How many IPL sessions are needed for optimal results?

The number of IPL sessions required for optimal results depends on various factors, including the specific skin concern being addressed, the individual's skin condition, and their desired outcome. Generally, a series of multiple treatments spaced a few weeks apart is recommended to achieve the best results. During a consultation, a skincare professional can evaluate your needs and create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your skin goals.